Monday, 17 March 2014

Lecturing : Continues (Business Law) - April 2014

Received Offer to continue lecturing part-time for the Business Law Subject for Diploma in Business and Foundation in Arts students.

The last sem : Oct 2013 - Feb 2014 , lectured the Corporate Law (Bachelor Business Students) and Business Law (Diploma in Business students).

This time, it will be 3 times per week.

Time moved so fast. My first time lecturing was in March Sem intake (April -July 2011). Moving into my 4th Year Lecturing.

Semesters handled to date:-

Foundation in Arts : 4 Semesters (Business Law)
Diploma in Business : 3 Semesters (Business Law)
Bachelor in Business/Accounting : 1 Semester (Corporate Law)

Hard Work pays. I just hope I have the strength to continue.



Monday, 10 March 2014

Random Song Lyrics : Everytime I Pray by Ng Wah Lok

Every Time I Pray

by Ng Wah Lok

I will come to You in prayer
I will seek Your face
I will stand within the gap
There will I intercede

For every time I pray
I move the hand of God
My prayer does the things
My hands cannot do
For every time I pray
The mountains are removed
The paths are made straight
And nations turn to you.

I am weak and helpless Lord
You, my strength shall be
Guide me with Your gracious hand
There will my victory be.
Good song. Big Impact when I need it.