Thursday, 12 November 2009

Exams Fear

Everyone is afraid of exams. The question is whether they are VERY AFRAID or just a little afraid.... That's normal.. What is normal ? The "fear" is normal. The "worrying" element is also normal. Why? Simply because we are all "afraid" that we cannot answer the exam question correctly OR that we feel "unprepared/ not fully prepared" to go for the exams... But we must understand this... NO ONE IS 100% prepared...Even if you are prepared 100% , the exams might not follow your way... many other elements such as health, tricky question, transport to exam hall, weather, lost of concentrations suddenly, or even when the pen finished INK!!!! Many factors will affect us. Therefore , what do we do before exams? We study. We revise. We revise and study again. We try our best to prepare ourselves for the exam day by day, time by time. We might not be 100& ready, but we try our best. From there, we learn to be hardworking. We learn to have the right studying attitude. We learn from time to time. We cannot deny that we dont worry at all after doing all the things that we have to do. But we need to control ourselves not let emotion overtake us and control us. Once that happens, we will worry a lot and cannot focus on the present or the coming future. Of course, no one is perfect. Therefore, we learn. Slowly we learn. I'm learning too. We are all "students of life" . We learn from others, we learn from seniors, we learn from parents and we learn from GOD! Friends, no matter what the exams are that you are going to face, put your trust in God, do your work and no matter what the results are in the end, you will know that you did your best and that you have become a better student that will be more prepared to face the other exams in life! All the best and do your best! Cheers!



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