What have I truly learned? Not going to blog about that now.
But more on what 'other things' that I've been through :-
1) Filing of Borangzzzz (1,2,3,4,5) - can be done via E-filing (ie from the office) but I didn't know back then, so I did it at Kuala Lumpur High Court.
2) Service of Borangzzzz - At Bar Council, Selangor Bar Council, and AG Chambers.
3) Short Call - get locus for court matters (limited)
4) Register for Orientation and attended.
5) Register and attended 14 days of Legal Aid at Selangor Legal Aid Center.
6) Register and sit for Ethics Course & Exams and passed.
7) Register and attended 3 Seminars (1 more). Also attended KL Bar seminar & Bar Council seminar.
8) Apply for Bahasa Malaysia exemption (cert ready but they have not sent)
9) Obtained 2 referees for good character
10) Next -
- To make payment to Lembaga Tatatertib (if not mistaken) ;
- To file and serve Borangzzzz (6,7,8)
- To get Legal Aid letter of completion and serve
- To file Order for Long Call
- Attend Long Call
- To apply for Practicing Cert
- Others - TBA