Sunday, 19 April 2009

Game Over 2009 / Restart ????

Back in Da Game???? Long time ago i wrote about "Game Over" , and the last issue is "what does a player do next?" .A good friend once commented that it's not a game... Well, maybe it is to some, but it definately isn't to another. What does a player do next when it's game over?? The answer? Go figure out and tell me. Anyway, i'm still figuring out myself whether what I did was right, though the answer was already cleared in my "game" which is : I stopped playing THAT particular game. But like the last issue, What does a player do next? That, we shall see.. that my friend, is the question u need to ask yourself. The final answer is the only FULL answer, when you are Happy with the Game.... until it's Game Over.... again?? Perhaps not??



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