Wednesday 9 December 2009

Knowledge and Experience

What is knowledge and experience? Knowledge is something we gain through learning(own self or from another), through teachings from others, through what people perceived that we can obtain from Education(schools, college, university, learning centers, skills centers etc). Knowledge gives us power. Power of intelligence. Power to do something, that others may or may not able to do. Power to be better. Power to enable us to be the better one is society. We cannot deny that , with more knowledge, a person becomes in this context "more powerful". Question: Do we then misuse knowledge? In my opinion: No. We use knowledge for our better improvement. To be better in terms of character and upbringing. And in time, we use knowledge to help others. We cannot and never be stingy in the sharing or knowledge. I dont think that it is pleasing to God, that we do not share our knowledge. Why shouldn't we share our knowledge when life on earth is only a temporary one?? God teaches us about Sharing. Sharing can done in the sharing of knowledge as well! Lets not discuss about other subjects for sharing. Just solely based on knowledge first. Why not share knowledge when we are able to given the right time and opportunity? It's my opinion that knowledge should be shared. Once again, I am referring to positive knowledge, not negative ones.

What is experience then? It is something we gain along in life, in time. Experience is different from knowledge. Why? You get experience from your own actions done in the past. You know what is right and what is wrong on a particular issue that you had already went though. Note this, it must be something that you went though. Then only you are able to share that experience (which you should as a Christians) to other brothers and sisters that you come across in life, with hopes that they could learn something from your experience (whether to do a positive action or to avoid a certain action).

Now, whether they accept your sharing of knowledge and experiences is another question. Remember, that it is our CHOICE to share, but its THEIR CHOICE to listen OR accept. We can only do so much. The rest is up them. After all, it is THEIR LIFE.
Listen to what I have to say first.. the reason of saying this is because of the reasons below :

What is the danger that we must be careful with when we gain more knowledge and experience then? The danger of forgetting our humble attitude and being proud. The danger thinking and feeling that we know what is the so called "best option". The danger to "make the decision for another". The danger to ultimately take control on another persons life. This comes back to olden days when Kings and Emperors does what they think is best for the people. If they are right, why aren't we using such system in today's life? Let us not forget, that we may not be all 100% right. How do you know or how do I know that we are 100% right? There is always room or place for changes. Room for improvement. Room for giving a chance. We cannot and can never say that based solely on our knowledge and experience alone, we are 100& correct. That would be a shallow thinking. Even a PHD in a certain subject matter can be wrong when he gives a statement or an opinion. Why? Because , time changes and there could be another PHD in that subject matter arguing the exact opposite. Who is then wrong? And if think that we are always right, based on our knowledge and experience, and to not give room for the possible chances that we may be wrong, Where is the faith then? If we as humans knows what is 100% right, then where is God? What happens to the trust in God? What happens to faith in God? What happens to the statement saying "let us seek God's will"?? God's Will SHOULD BE and WILL BE the deciding factor in EVERYTHING. If you cannot accept this, then you do not Believe in the existence of a God. You may then think you are better then God. You may think that you "are" God. That is not right. Reality check, you are still Human. You are "fragile" at times. You have your weak moments. You can never play God's role/position. That is my opinion.

Even by making this opinion, so to speak, I might be wrong as well?? I do not know. But I know the danger of forgetting oneself when there is misuse of knowledge and experience as I have clearly stated above.

Dont get me wrong when I give you my opinion on the dangers of knowledge and experience. I am not denying that we need both of that in our lives. We are, after all, learning. But let us not allow our learning's in life to "destroy" ourselves or others. This is once again my opinion. God bless.

**Zhou's Signature Moment**



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